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Udte Raho
Our Initiatives

Online classes & workshops

Instilling a love of learning in young minds, our program has set up classrooms that enable students aged 6-14 to attend after-school online classes. During the pandemic, these classes took place through the day. Dedicated volunteers lead engaging sessions via Zoom from 5-7 pm, Monday through Saturday. Our curriculum fosters well-rounded development with subjects like math, English, and environmental science, alongside creative outlets like dance, music, and storytelling. We welcome anyone 13 and over to join our team of passionate volunteers!

Our library

From its humble beginnings as a children's library with 500 books, this library has blossomed into a vibrant space catering to all ages. Boasting over 1600 books, of a variety of genres, it promotes knowledge acquisition and skills development regardless of interest or reading level. And for our youngest explorers, they may even borrow games from the library.

Donation drives

Through the incredible generosity of our donors, we've not only amassed a great number of books for our library, but also provided our students with essential school supplies like notebooks and pencils. Our commitment extends beyond academics, with donation drives promoting menstrual health by supplying critical sanitary napkins.

Art competitions

Through the years, we've ignited creativity with exciting art contests celebrating Christmas, Independence Day, and the New Year respectively. Each competition attracted 100-150 enthusiastic young artists, who envisioned their futures through thought-provoking prompts. The top 5 students in each contest were recognized for their exceptional work, receiving trophies and chocolates!

English skills development

Invested in our children's futures, we hope to building their confidence and communication skills, while opening doors to a brighter future. Alongside engaging English classes, we provide a unique set of Hindi to English translation booklets, which includes conversational and fundamental vocabulary and pronunciation aid. These booklets have been distributed to over 150 students.

Football Summer Camp

Udte Raho collaborated with the Oscar Foundation to conduct a five-day football camp for over 150 children. Divided into three batches of 50 each, catering to different age groups, the camp provided a fun and enriching experience for the participants. Held from June 17th to 21st, the children learned new skills, participated in team games, and undoubtedly had a blast. With the success of this program, we hope to make it an annual event!s